How will you prepare and deliver originals?
Here you can read about how to prepare and deliver originals. Contact your project manager if you need more information.
Important about your original:
- Make sure that all text is converted to text outlines, all linked images are embedded and all layers are merged into one background layer.
- All photographic images should be saved with JPG compression in CMYK mode.
- Always include 50 mm bleed for large formats and 10 mm for small formats.
- Send your original at 100% size, or if you want to scale it down, make it 10% of the original size.
- Include the image size in the file name and whether the artwork has been scaled. Example: Visibleworks_2400x5600 mm_10%.pdf.
- Save your PDF as Acrobat 7 (PDF 1.6) or later version.
Send files:
- Originals can be delivered to us by e-mail (preferably not larger than 10 MB).
- For larger files use www.sprend.com or www.wetransfer.com
- Max file size 2 GB
Image resolution for large formats
Image resolution
Viewing (over 5 m)
70 dpi
25 dpi
140 dpi
50 dpi
280 dpi
100 dpi
700 dpi
250 dpi
Images up to 10 m² should have at least 50 dpi. Larger images should have at least 30 dpi. This is on a 1:1 scale.
Color profile
For those who make originals, we have simplified the procedure. Whatever material your image will be printed on, use “EuropeISO CoatedFOGRA39”. The adaptation to each material and machine is done by us.
- “EuropeISO CoatedFOGRA39” is usually included in most software that has color management support.
- For best blackness mix C91 M79 Y62 K97.
CAD-cut text
- Deliver the originals as vectorized EPS.